What Top 1% Do differently
Designed and Developed by Vikas Jain
With 20+ years of work on this subject, Vikas could find those "Secrets" and helping others to apply those "Secrets" in their leadership journey.
Vikas has a vision of the new world where we can create an ecosystem to nurture such TOP 1% LEADERS

Knowing "What Top 1% Leaders Do Differently" is the first step towards strategically becoming the top 1% leader in your Industry - Vikas Jain
We all know that the top 1% of leaders such as chairman leaders and world-class entrepreneurs are known for showcasing extraordinary behaviours, attitudes, skills and knowledge which makes them unique and leads to extraordinary performance and results they achieve. But do we really know how these top leaders, develop themselves? This research is focused on going into the minds and learning habits of these top leaders and uncovering the secrets of why and how these top 1% of leaders develop themselves.
This covers intesive Case studies and stories of world-class leaders who went a step further to become “self-taught” in their profession
Also deep dive into how do these top leaders consciously/unconsciously leverage the science behind expertise which is showcased by athletic and artistic geniuses? As some of these leaders are unconsciously doing certain things but they themselves are not aware of the amazing deep-learning practices followed by them.
If future leaders can leverage these best practices, they can also increase their performance to the order of these top leaders and drive massive results for the organization and self.

1 min Profile Video
Full Keynote - 1.5 Hrs
About vikas jain
Vikas Jain is an award-winning international speaker, author, coach & entrepreneur, who has delivered 400+ keynotes at various corporate events and conferences. He has been featured in Josh Talks, Dainik Bhaskar, Speaking Tree and various other national and international publications.
He is the founder of the “Top 1% Club”, a membership-based platform providing courses and helping professionals and leaders to become Top 1% in their Industry. His podcast “Vikas Jain LIVE” covers the success stories of world-class leaders.
His agency Vikas Jain International manages the personal branding of CXOs, Entrepreneurs, Thought-Leaders, Celebrities etc. The agency also offers strategic consulting to the owners of professional-service firms to build personal brands, attract high-paying clients and create more impact by becoming Top 1%. Read more about Vikas Jain here.
SECRETS behind top 1% leaders
Pursuit of World-Class
Vision to become the best i.e. World-Class is one thing that shown by top 1% leaders even at the early age. Vikas World-Class Quadrant is a strategy that is used by leaders to understand how they can strategically move form their current zone to Top 1% zone.
Transformative Mindset
Top 1% very curious and constantly transofming themselve with every outside and inside interaction.
A very deep rooted creative potential
Creativity & Innovation
Innovation is the need of the hour and top 1% leaders are know to be the source of disruptive innovations. Design Thinking is one such tool of Customer Centeric Innovations.
As a faciliator of building Innvoation Culture and Design Thinking, I can say that “Innovation” is also learnable
Learning Intensity of top 1% leaders
Top leaders talk about the importance of learning on a regular basis but do we actually know what’s in their mind when they talk about learning. What’s the intensity of “learning” that they are talking about and are we actually perceiving the same?
Reading - an open secret of TOP 1% leaders
Top leaders talk about reading books but many others struggle to develop that habit. This module would cover the best practices that can slowly and gradually develop that reading habit
Other learning activities that help "top leaders"
In addition to active learning methods, top leaders also showcase a strong OBL (observation-based learning) and CBL (Curiosity-based learning) which are even more important methods practised by top leaders
Publis Speaking
Top 1% leaders are really good at influencing people through public speaking skills.
Emotional Mastery
Top 1% are actually facing more emotional turmoil and challenges than anyone else. But they build a mental and emotional resilience. “Letting Go Method” is one such technique that I use during my coaching session.
How to apply the secrets of top 1% leaders in your business
Corproate Leaders & Entrepreneurs
Professional Service Firms
Senior Employees in Large Corporations
Further research
- Mind of Bill Gates and what he do differently that most leaders are unaware of
- Secret life of “Elon Musk” that can help leaders in other organizations to create such disruptive companies and innovation