Vikas Jain

800 Years Old Shiva Temple in Tamil Nadu (India) with Musical Steps Producing Classical Musical Notes – Stories of World-Class Mastery with Vikas Jain

Airavatesvara Temple, a Lord Shiva Temple in Tamil Nadu (India) has steps that produce the sound of 7 Indian classical musical notes.

3 Kilometers away from Kumbakonam, in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, India you can find a 12th-century Hindu temple, Airavatesvara Temple. This Lord Shiva temple is said to have been built by Rajaraja Chola II in the 12th century CE. Shiva is here known as Airavatesvara because he was worshipped at this temple by Airavata, the white elephant of the king of the gods, Indra; so did also the King of Death, Yama.

In our “Stories of World-Class Mastery”, we tend to highlight the skills & craftsmanship of professionals showing that “World-Class Behind World-Class”.

Shilpa Shatra – Indian Study of Architecture

The #ShilpaShastra clearly classifies the stones and the type that ought to be used for temple architecture.

Stones, according to the Shilpa Shastra, are masculine, feminine and neuter depending on their sound and colour. #Male stone produce the tinkle of bronze bells when tapped while #female stones produce the tinkle of bass. The #neuter produces a dull sound.

Male stone is used to carve deities of the Lord, while female stone is meant for making images of Goddess and neuter stone is used for the pedestal or in making ornaments as per N. Bhaskaran, a temple architect and student of Ganapathy Sthapahi, the renowned traditional architect who made the 133-feet Thiruvalluvar statue in Kanyakumari and the Valluvar Kottam.

The Shilpis (professionals in architecture) displayed remarkable skill and ingenuity in crafting “musical” pillars, which when struck at the right spot produce mellifluous octaves. Though it may be difficult to identify the source of such stones, these musical pillars are of granite and charnockites. They come in different girths and volumes to produce the right octaves. Unlike modern architecture, the ancient temples are geometrically, scientifically, and symbolically built alligned with astronomical calculations and spiritual body sciences.

Applying this Learning

Usually, people read such stories with “amazement” though we can go one step forward and ..

Think of the mindset of those skilful people who mastered that art..

Same way, whatever you are doing, whatever your profession

Can you also go the extra mile on a daily basis to create such marvels?

It would require a different level of mindset & skills i.e. Excellence, Motivation & Innovation (EMI of World-Class) …

To stretch our boundaries…

To create what has not been created so far.

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