Vikas Jain

Professional Speaking – Career in Public Speaking

As a Professional Speaker, I have been frequently approached by individuals who like to make a career in Public Speaking. They might also ask “How to Become a Motivational Speaker“.

Let’s deep dive into understanding the World of High-Paid Public Speaking aka Professional Speaking

Q: Is Paid Public Speaking same as Public Speaking

Vikas:  “Professional Speaking” is very different from Public Speaking. Public Speaking skill is one of the MANY skills that Professional Speakers need to excel in their business. Various institutions including Toastmasters, provide an environment that improves the public speaking skills. But there are very few institutions which prepare people for Professional Speaking. To excel into Professional Speaking one must think like an Entrepreneur with “Speech” as his product.

Q: How should I kickstart my Professional Speaking Career

Vikas: I would definitely help you take the first step towards making a successful career in public speaking. Let’s start with the basics. For any and every subject, one should be clear about “What”, “Why” and “How”. Let me explain it in details with reference to Professional Speaking,

What: Primary topics of YOUR speech which can help the audience and lead to a transformation in their life
Why: Why anyone should hear you. Your personal story to motivate people. Your reason for delivering this
How: Finding an audience, deliver a good talk, marketing yourself, creating a brand

Most people who like to get into “Public Speaking” just had an interest in public speaking. They think that  it’s only “ability to deliver a good talk” experienced through short speeches/discussion among friend circle. But to become a Professional Speaker, one needs to find and fulfill other requirements also.

Hence if you are willing to become a Professional Speaker, follow these steps

  1. Try to find out a topic which you can deliver based on your experience
  2. Try to find out an audience. Usually, people start with free talks which helps in building the experience. School, Colleges and Non-profit organizations are some of those organizations which can give you the initial opportunity. Later these free talks set the path for paid talks
  3. In professional speaking, there are various categories of speakers who are subject matter experts on different topics. Also on the same topic, different speakers might have a different edge. For example, in the case of motivational speakers, the speaker could be a mountaineer, sports person, business tycoon, survivor, author and many more. Hence try to find the best category where you fall in
  4. A speaker is one who has got some unique experiences in life that he/she wants to share. Hence it is expected that you share the knowledge by writing a book. One can even start with writing a self-published e-book which can later set the path for a published book
  5. Start writing blogs as it will help you build the right audience for you. Along with it, start creating email lists of people who are interested in your writings
  6. Marketing yourself is itself a broad area to work upon. One can immediately start by having a facebook page, twitter handle and a website with your name. With these available, marketing becomes comparatively easier and lot more effective
  7. Join a local “Professional Speaker’s Association”. You will find like-minded people who are happy to share their insights which can help you learn more about “Professional Speaking”
  8. Start looking for List of Professional Speakers and start following them through social media, their blogs etc.

Q: Can I become a Successful Professional Speaker

Vikas: Public Speaking is just a tool to deliver the message. As a professional speaker, one should focus upon the content and expected transformation i.e. “What and Why” of Speaking. Once “What and Why” is clear and strong enough, “How” is comparatively easier to deal with. To add to this, once “What and Why” is very strong, even a person with average public speaking skills can start and make a great career in this field.

For further query, you may join our facebook community: and ask your query. You may also join our “Speaker’s Masterclass” for one-to-one coaching with me.

Join Speaker’s Masterclass with Vikas Jain

All the best for your journey of Professional Speaking!!

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